Sapphire Percutaneous Hair Transplantation

Sapphire percutaneous hair transplantation is a new hair transplantation technique that is based on the use of a natural sapphire stone (crystal) to create the channels for hair graft transplantation without damaging the skin. In the Sapphire Percutaneous method, a singular cavity is created for each individual follicle, which results in a natural look. Transplanted hair follicles do not move. Thanks to the creation of an individual cavity for each individual follicle the result is a thicker and more natural appearance. In typical hair transplantation, the number of follicles that can be grafted on an area of 1 square centimetre is around 35-40, while the number of follicles that can be grafted on the same area can reach up to 70-80. This technique differs according to the skin structure of the person who needs hair transplantation and it is done by titanium handled and sapphire grooving pen.